Over the past 24 hours we have added some extra safety precautions to our server in order to secure the protection and integrity of all our clients and their websites. In addition, we have made a few tweaks to ensure the performance of our server is as high as possible. The measures taken are as follows.
- CHKRootKit – a simple program that detects and hacker software and notifies us if any has been detected via email.
- RootKit Hunter – scanning tool to ensure our system does not have any backdoors or exploits.
- Securing and Upgrading of SSH Server – increases security during ssh connections failures and automatically blocks the attackers ip in the firewall.
- System Integrity Monitor – 24×7 Internal Monitor that checks all services and restarts them if they are down.
- SPRI – changes the priority of different processes in accordance to level of importance, hence increasing server performance.
- Secure and Optimize Apache (HTTP)- tweaks apache to perform better, and prevent unnecessary information from being easily seen. Also installed mod_security to restrict web attacks.
- MySQL optimization – increases performance of MySQL.
- host.conf hardenening – prevent dns lookup poisoning & spoofing protection.
- nsswitch.conf modification – secure and optimize DNS lookups.
- sysctl.conf hardening – helps prevent TCP/IP stack from syn-flood attacks and other network abuses.
- Shell Fork Bomb/Memory Hog Protection – prevents a user logged into a shell from consuming all the resources on the server.
- TMP Directory hardening ( /tmp, /var/tmp, /dev/shm) – helps prevents execution of malicious scripts.
As always, HostedFX is always striving to provide the best service possible for you.
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