[Updates] Fantastico Programs Updated Today

This is just a brief message to let you know that some of the default fantastico applications have been updated today. It is strongly recommended that you always keep your scripts up to date.

Here are the updates:

- 4Images Gallery: 1.7.4 -> 1.7.6
- Crafty Syntax Live Help: 2.14.4 -> 2.14.6
- Drupal: 5.3 -> 6.1
- Joomla: 1.0.14 -> 1.0.15
- Mambo Open Source: 4.6.2 -> 4.6.3
- Nucleus: 3.24 -> 3.32
- PHPauction: 2.1 -> 3.2
- phpAdsNew: 2.0.9-pr1 -> 2.0.11-pr1
- TikiWiki: ->

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All Servers Upgraded

Most of you won’t have noticed (due to us scheduling our downtime in the middle of the night EST time), but we had all of our servers upgraded last night. This is yet further evidence of HostedFX meeting client demand – when a server starts to even slightly feel any strain – we upgrade.

Scheduled Downtime Information for Upgrades
Time: Thu Jan 31 02:27:05 EST 2008
Total Time on Error: 14 minutes, 33 seconds

Details of Upgrade – Each server now has;
- An additional 1GB of RAM.
- An improved backup drive with 160GB storage.

This now takes each of our servers specs to the following:

Intel Dual Xeon 2.8ghz HyperThreading
Memory: 4096 MB DDR [4GB] ECC System Memory
Main Drive: 160GB Sata
Backup Drive: 160GB Sata
Automated Daily Backups
Private VLAN: 100mbps

Thanks for hosting with HostedFX!

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Scheduled Network Maintenance

The following maintenance has been scheduled
Primary Dates: 28 Sept 2007 00:00:00 – 28 Sept 2007 06:00:00 Eastern

Summary Description of Maintenance: Distribution Upgrade

Expected Impact:
You may see a switch hit while we fail over to redundant link. Downtime will be extremely minimal and most likely not noticed.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Gareth Hodson
HostedFX Web Hosting

Posted in Maintenance | 10 Comments

Ruby on Rails Is Here

With the latest cPanel upgrade now complete and running smooth, we’ve decided to go ahead and add support for Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

What exactly is Ruby on Rails?
Ruby on Rails is an open source web application framework written in Ruby that closely follows the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. It strives for simplicity, allowing real-world applications to be developed in less code than other frameworks and with a minimum of configuration. One of Rails’ guiding principles is “Don’t Repeat Yourself”.

We have also installed the needed gems for the proper functioning of RUBY, these are listed below:

Successfully installed rails-1.2.3

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

actionmailer (1.3.3)

Service layer for easy email delivery and testing.

actionpack (1.13.3)

Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC.

actionwebservice (1.2.3)

Web service support for Action Pack.

activerecord (1.15.3)

Implements the ActiveRecord pattern for ORM.

activesupport (1.4.2)

Support and utility classes used by the Rails framework.

fcgi (0.8.7)

FastCGI library for Ruby.

mysql (2.7)

MySQL/Ruby provides the same functions for Ruby programs that the MySQL C API provides for C programs.

rails (1.2.3)

Web-application framework with template engine, control-flow layer, and ORM.

rake (0.7.3)

Ruby based make-like utility.

sources (0.0.1)

This package provides download sources for remote gem installation

As always, HostedFX pushes forward and constantly improves its services for the benefit of our clients, I hope you enjoy this latest addition.

Posted in Software | 1 Comment

Recent Dowtime – Explained

As most clients here are aware, HostedFX is an established, reliable company with many happy customers. During my time away, I regularly checked HostedFX to make sure everything was fine – when I saw the sites not loading I immediately phoned the datacenter to arrange for a technician to isolate and remedy the issue.

Unfortunately, this week saw a hard drive failure. At this time the main drive located on our main server had multiple failures ending in the corruption of the main drive. We have now finished reinstalling the OS and have restored data from backups on the second hard drive which are just 24 hours old. This just goes to show, even in the event of a worst-case-scenario, HostedFX has come through with a recent backup for all of its clients.

We are currently carrying out the upgrade to cPanel 11. If anyone is having any trouble accessing cPanel, all you have to do is simply submit a support ticket and the matter will be resolved.

So there you have it – hard drive failure when I was away. And the result? HostedFX restores everyone’s data within 24 hours and will be pushing on to greater heights with a fantastic new brand image in the near future. Customers can expect the same level of service that HostedFX has provided for nearly 2 years now.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused, but this was completely unexpected. I believe the unfortunate situation that occurred was handled in the best possible way by HostedFX.

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