Scheduled Reboot – May 9th

This evening at 8:49AM GMT, we carried out a scheduled reboot on our main server. This resulted in a brief amount of expected downtime. Sorry if it caused you any inconvenience, fortunately we don’t have to do this very often.

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The Record Month of April

I thought it’d be nice just to let you guys know how HostedFX is progressing. I’m very pleased to say that we are growing very nicely – this is not only down to our committed service, but all of our current clients who recommend their friends and colleagues.

Furthermore, April 2007 was the most successful month in HostedFX’s history to date. We had an increible 94 new customer signups as well as current clients signing up for additional accounts. The results show what a huge success our 90% off promotion was.

Once again, thanks to all of those who have referred anyone to HostedFX, now it’s time to push even further together. Be assured that the personal service, and excellent features provided by HostedFX will never change. As an individual running a thriving business, I promise to never lose sight of what I have always wanted HostedFX to be – a reliable service, with a smile. Most companies tend to have professionalism or a personal touch – I strive to provide both, at affordable prices.

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Recent DOS Attacks

Unfortunately we have been having some downtime issues over the last 24 hours due to several DOS attacks. Be assured that we are working on stopping and preventing this from happening in the future.

We have been constantly monitoring the apache status of the server and could find that there is contact attack and heavy apache access from many IPs. The main problem is that the access IPs keep on changing. Due to this, we are now configuring our Brute Force Detection software in order to prevent any further attacks. Furthermore we have enabled Mod_Dosevasive in order to prevent this.

We thank you for your patience during this time, be assured that we at HostedFX are determined to deliver the best service to our customers at all times. We will always do everything within our power to ensure maximum performance and reliability.

Posted in Issues, Security | 5 Comments

Have An Eggcellent Easter Weekend!

I’m just making a short post to wish all of our customers and everybody else a very happy easter weekend. Our dedicated server provider even left cute little cupcakes for us in their datacenter…


Have a great weekend all!

Posted in Holidays | 10 Comments

6th April 2007 – Scheduled Reboot

Last night at 1:39AM GMT, we carried out a scheduled reboot on our main server. This resulted in a brief amount of expected downtime. Sorry if it caused you any inconvenience, fortunately we don’t have to do this very often.

Posted in Reboots | 1 Comment