As HostedFX expands and our client base increases, the need for an extra member of staff to assist with keeping our clients happy is simply a necessity. We currently have a couple of support staff, a mystery technician, and contacts on hand at our datacenter 24 hours a day. With the growth of HostedFX, another knowledgable, reliable, helpful support operator was required. But for the time being, Gareth found me – Mark Horsfall.
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the latest member of staff; Mark Horsfall. I will be working on the staff support team and will answer most queries along with Gareth. I’m here to answer and provide assistance when Gareth can’t – but so far, he seems to respond instantaneously to support tickets meaning I’ll have to wait until he sleeps to get a chance to respond to a ticket. I have an pretty established three year history in hosting, having owned my own hosting company before leaving the company due to time restraints. I now enjoy being a part time photographer at the young age of 16! As they say, age is merely a number, hosting is a passion of mine and I consider myself extremely knowledgable in the field.
I am located in the United Kingdom and am up around the clocking checking that clients are satisfied and everything is running smoothly. Gareth has set up an email address so you can email me directly if a support ticket doesn’t satisfy your needs. The email address is: – no spam please, unless it is something that will interest me.
I really look forward to helping out and getting started. If there’s anything else you’d like to know about me, either submit support tickets night and day to find out about my anger issues, or simply ask away in the comments section of this blog post.
Oh, and please keep ordering from HostedFX, else you’ll see me jobless. And you wouldn’t want that, would you?
Thank you,
Mark Horsfall,
Support Staff at HostedFX.
I don’t think Fantastico is working :S
I am sure you will be hearing from me the next time I break something – I look forward to it (being fixed that is :p)
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Congratulations! on the new member of staff in your team.
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I hope your new team member is still rocking and rolling well today. Keep up the amazing services, team! It’s always good to have a new team member. I used to be a painter but recently retired and the painting contractor ( replaced me ended up painting my house and that’s when I realized every company needs a new team member every once in a while to keep perspectives and moral fresh.
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